Channel 4 News came out Friday and did a short new piece focused on Salem Road however this is bigger than just a few sand trucks on a country road, it’s the tip of a complicated iceberg.
(Link to the Channel 4 Live news story Dorchester residents raise concerns over street damage and noise from truck traffic ) And it’s not a “salt mine” it’s a sand mine, one of dozens encircling our community.
Almost every road around our Town of Dorchester now has at least one sand mine feeding these massive sand trucks onto them. Sandridge, Salem, Zion, and East Main/178 all have heavy sand truck traffic from pre-dawn to dusk, six days a week.

Sand mines and the associated truck traffic are destroying taxpayer-funded roads for the profit of others. The County and DHEC continue to approve private sand mine zoning and permitting over repeated citizen impact concerns and then seemingly do nothing when there is a problem. But of course “Dorchester County says it’s working to manage it all.” How? By collecting your tax money and then throwing asphalt at the problem? Or maybe by passing another law the mines won’t follow?
Our town benefits ZERO from these state and county-approved, highly profitable, mining operations destroying the area, our roads, and the environment around us. I would encourage everyone concerned to continue to contact your representative and advocate for more local control over the damage to our roads from sand mines.