[Your Address] Dorchester, SC, 29437 April 29, 2024 Dorchester County Commissioners 500 N. Main St. Summerville, SC 29483 Dear Dorchester County Commissioners, As a resident of The Town of Dorchester, I am writing to express our deep concern regarding the rapidly deteriorating condition of the roads in our area due to the heightened traffic resulting from the sand mining operations approved by the County Board of Zoning Appeals. We must address the urgent need for increased road maintenance to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents impacted by the influx of sand trucks. These sand mining operations have led to a substantial increase in heavy traffic on our roads. The strain on our infrastructure is becoming untenable. The constant passage of heavy sand trucks has caused significant damage to our roads, including potholes, cracks, and erosion, posing serious safety risks to commuters and residents. Almost every road around our Town of Dorchester now has at least one sand mine feeding these massive sand trucks onto them six days a week for at least eight hours a day. I urge you to take proactive steps to address the need for increased road maintenance in and around our Town of Dorchester. By doing so, you will demonstrate your commitment to prioritizing the safety and well-being of our residents and upholding the values of our community. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]