Our roads are being destroyed by sand trucks. I recently responded to a neighbor’s complaint related to the road condition along Salem Road and took some time to drive Salem from Railway Drive to Halfway Gut Creek. I was aghast at the deterioration of the roadway in less than a year.

There is now a new sand mine straddling both sides of the road just before Halfway Gut. Someone installed a steel plate in the road due to the trucks turning in and out of the mine tearing up the road. The road directly in front of the Salem United Methodist Church is largely destroyed now. There are potholes everywhere.
Road crews unsuccessfully attempted to repave the section in front of the Methodist Church, I don’t think their work lasted more than a few hours. The sand trucks were driving over the repairs before the crews were finished.
I have sent the following letter from our town association to Mrs. Harret Holman and the Dorchester County Commissioners seeking their support.

Almost every road around our Town of Dorchester now has at least one sand mine feeding these massive sand trucks onto them. Sandridge, Salem, Zion, and East Main/178 all now have heavy sand truck traffic six days a week for at least eight hours a day. I would encourage everyone concerned to contact your representative and advocate for more control over the damage to our roads from sand mines. You can call, email, or write a letter asking for their support for our committee.
Please feel free to use the following template and your own words. You can also cut and paste into an email and send it directly to the commissioners (or anyone else you think may support this issue). This link (https://www.dorchestercountysc.gov/government/county-council/council-members) gives our County Council members’ phone numbers and email addresses.
Good Luck!! The county blames the state! The state blames the county! Fingers get pointed, and the hard working tax payers get screwed. End of story! The more things in Dorchester county change, the more they stay the same! Good ole boys!!