Save the Date: Hurricane Expo!

Hurrincare Expo

Dorchester County has announced the Hurricane Expo and Family Fun Day. It will kick off the hurricane season with fun and educational opportunities on Saturday, May 31, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Ashley River Park.

Participants will receive valuable information about how to prepare their family and property for hurricane season. They will also enjoy the park. There are many activities for the family.

All are welcome!


Hurricane Preparedness Expo at Ashley River Park

Hurricane Expo 2024

With the 2024 Hurricane Season about to start, Dorchester County is encouraging residents to attend the Hurricane Preparedness Expo at Ashley River Park. The Hurricane Preparedness Expo aims to provide valuable information, tips, and resources to help residents of our county prepare for hurricanes and other natural disasters.

Event Details: 
Date: Sat. June 1, 2024
Time: 10:00AM – 1:00PM
Location: Ashley River Park, 200 Renken Road, Summerville

Win a New Generator!
The Hurricane Preparedness Expo will feature a range of fun activities and offerings. These include interactive exhibits, food trucks, an inflatable obstacle course, an electric children’s train, balloon art, face painting, and emergency services demonstrations. Charleston Electric will also be raffling off a brand new 3600-watt Generac GP3600 portable generator. 

Other Fun Activities at the Expo
Representatives from Tradesman Brewing Company will be there with samples for our 21-year-old and older crowd with our special hurricane beer, Know Your Zone.

Coastal Coffee Roasters will also be there with our one-of-a-kind coffee, Storm Surge.

The Red Cross will host a blood drive during the Expo. You can Pre-register to give blood here. Visit this link to pre-register and sign up to donate blood

Please note: If you do not have a Park Annual Pass, admission to the park is $2 per person (free for 3 years-old and under).


Residents Urged to Report Structural Damage from Hurricane Idalia

Dorchester County Logo

Dorchester County urges residents to report any structural damage to their properties or businesses. This information will assist county damage assessment teams in evaluating the extent of the storm’s impact and will aid in expediting the recovery process.

To report storm-related structural damage, please fill out the online Structural Damage Form or contact our Call Center at (843) 832-0393 which will be open until Thursday at 2:00 p.m.


Hurricane Idalia is Coming Our Way

Hurricane Idalia

Hurricane Idaila Has made landfall in Northern Florida and is expected to hop over to and skirt our over the next 12-24 hours the storm will pass through our area. Please stay informed. If you lose power, please do not assume the power company knows. You should call and report an outage for your home or business. This helps the power company build a better repair picture. You can look at the Dominion Power Outage Map through the link below. If out traveling, be cautious of hidden dangers including water on the roadways. You should not travel on roads closed due to flooding. Watch for downed powerlines. Be careful when assessing property damage. Watch for dangerous displaced wildlife.

Reporting Power Outages

It is important to report your power outage, even if you see outages already reported in your area. DO NOT CALL 9-1-1 or use social media to report a power outage. Report outages directly to your utility provider.

Dominion Energy SC
DESC Customer Service:  1-800-251-7234
Report Downed/Sparking Lines:  1-888-333-4465
Report Gas Leaks:  1-800-815-0083
Report Power Outage:  1-888-333-4465

Edisto Electric
(803) 245-5141

Berkeley Electric
Report Outage via Smarthub

Some Useful Strom Links:
The National Hurricane Center hurricane tracking and forecasts
Dorchester County Emergency Management Department county-specific hurricane and other emergency information including road closures.
South Carolina Emergency Management state storm information
Dominion Power Outage Map see where power outages have been reported.

If you have other links or tips, let me know and I’ll add them here.


Hurricane Preparedness Expo at Ashley River Park

2023 Hurricane Expo

With the 2023 Hurricane Season ready to start, Dorchester County is encouraging residents to attend the Hurricane Preparedness Expo at Ashley River Park. The expo is scheduled for Saturday. June 3, 2023 and is scheduled to run between 10:00am – 1:00pm. The expo will be held at the new Ashley River Park, 200 Renken Road in Summerville. The Hurricane Preparedness Expo aims to provide valuable information, tips, and resources to help residents of our county to prepare for hurricanes and other natural disasters.

For fun, the county EMD is working with Coastal Coffee Roasters to debut a new medium roast coffee roast: Storm Surge. This coffee will be available at the Expo in both ground and whole bean form. And their partner, Tradesman Brewing Company, will also be present with their unique Know Your Zone beer. Free coffee samples will be available to all participants, and there will be beer samples for those 21 years of age and older. Coffee and beer, what else do you need to be prepared? 

Please note: Admission is only $2 per person for 3 years-old or older, or free for any Dorchester County Park Annual Pass holders.

It looks like there will be some fun, samples, and prizes, even a raffle for a brand new 3600-watt Generac GP3600 portable generator. Go here for more information.


Hurricane Ian

Hurricane Ian 9-30-22 11am

Hurricane Ian off the coast of Charleston is almost ashore as of this posting. Over the next 12-24 hours the storm will pass through our area. Please stay informed. If you lose power, please do not assume the power company knows. You should call and report an outage for your home or business. This helps the power company build a better repair picture. You can look at the Dominion Power Outage Map through the link below. If out traveling, be cautious of hidden dangers including water on the roadways. You should not travel on roads closed due to flooding. Watch for downed powerlines. Be careful when assessing property damage. Watch for dangerous displaced wildlife.

Reporting Power Outages

It is important to report your power outage, even if you see outages already reported in your area. DO NOT CALL 9-1-1 or use social media to report a power outage. Report outages directly to your utility provider.

Dominion Energy SC

  • DESC Customer Service:  1-800-251-7234
  • Report Downed/Sparking Lines:  1-888-333-4465
  • Report Gas Leaks:  1-800-815-0083
  • Report Power Outage:  1-888-333-4465

Edisto Electric

  • (803) 245-5141

Berkeley Electric

  • 1-888-253-4232

Some Useful Strom Links:
The National Hurricane Center hurricane tracking and forecasts
Dorchester County Emergency Management Department county specific hurricane and other emergency information including road closures.
South Carolina Emergency Management state storm information
Dominion Power outage Map see where power outages have been reported.

If you have other links or tips, let me know and I’ll add them here.


Be Prepared for the 2022 Hurricane Season

Hurricane Isabel

Hurricane season is now upon us. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 through to November 30. Included below are some helpful links to prepare and keep abreast of the weather when a storm approaches.

Preparedness and Tracking Links

  • You can get general state preparedness information from the South Carolina Emergency Management Division. Their South Carolina Hurricane Guide is a great tool for planning and preparing for the storm. Do your preparation now before there is a storm heading our way.
  • The Dorchester County Emergency Management Department provides county specific information. You can also sign up for emergency alerts from the EMD to you phone.
  • When there is a storm, go to the source for the most current storm information. The National Hurricane Center is the source of Atlantic storm tracking which will affect us.
  • Report power outages to Dominion Energy. You can also check where power outages are occurring.

If you have additional information you would like to share, please make a comment to this post with your link(s).
