Pineland Sandmine DHEC Public Meeting

Pineland Sandmine DHEC Public Meeting & Comment Period. I would like to thank everyone in the community who was able to call-in to the DHEC virtual Public Meeting last night. Many great questions were asked and issues expressed.

If you were not able to attend, the meeting was recorded and DHEC indicated they would post the recording today or early next week on the web-site linked below. Please share with interested parties.

DHEC is still accepting public comments through early August. Written comments on the mine operating permit application should be submitted by e-mail or US Mail to:

Mason Brandes, Project Manager
DHEC Bureau of Land and Waste Management
2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201

A final decision on the mine operating permit application will not be made until after review and consideration of all written comments received. I would encourage everyone to review the materials (and public meeting recording when posted) also on the web-site linked below. Included are the permit applications, the mining maps, the post-mining reclamation plan, and a host of other documents.
