Our town community meeting will be held 6pm on August 12, 2021, at the Ray O Sunshine market. The address is 2514 Highway 78, Dorchester, SC 29437. We’re looking forward getting back together and discuss topics of interest for our community. All are welcome, we will be meeting outside so dress comfortably and bring a chair.
Dorchester Count announced they’ve been awarded 6.8 million dollars from the federal government to wide the one mile stretch of Highway 27 (Ridgeville Road) from I-26 to Highway 78 from two lanes to five lanes. This work will be rolled in to the already numerous planned improvement projects more or less happening around I-26 exit 187.
You can read the county notice about this by clicking here.
The new Davis-Bailey Park in St. George will hold it’s free to the public grand opening event on Saturday, June 5, 2021. The event will open at 9 AM and run in to the evening. Bring the kids and enjoy the day. According to the county there should be lots of games and fun things to do and see including a basketball tournament, open play kickball and whiffle ball, lawn games, amusements for all ages, various food trucks and vendors, as well as and afternoon/evening concert featuring three different artists representing gospel, country, and R&B genres. Check the Davis-Bailey Park page for updated details.
The SCDOT Dorchester County Maintenance Office has reported they will close Zion Rd. from Schoolhouse Rd. to Salem Rd. in the Community of Dorchester beginning at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, March 24 – 5:00 PM on Friday, March 26 to perform road repairs. The area will be restricted to local traffic only, during the above-mentioned times. All work is dependent on the weather.
The 3rd season of the Sunday Ridgeville Farmers Market is coming. They are look forward to seeing everyone on the Grand Opening Sunday, April 11, 2021 (154 Church St, Ridgeville, SC 29472).
The farmers market is planned to run through the summer on Sundays, 10 am- 2 pm, from April 11 until the last market on August 15, 2021.
Please see the Dorchester news here to find out how to participate in public comments for the County Council Meeting. Beginning Monday, February 1, the following Boards and Commissions will also meet virtually, until further notice:
Dorchester County Public Notice pursuant to S.C. Reg. 61-107.19 and S.C. Ann. Code § 44-96-470 of
Facility Issues Negotiation Process
Topic: Oakridge Landfill, Inc. (“Oakridge”), 2175 Highway 78, Dorchester, Dorchester County, South Carolina
Contact: Jason Carraher Dorchester County Kenneth F. Waggoner Building 201 Johnston Street St. George, SC 29477 Telephone: (843) 832-0070
Please take notice that Dorchester County hereby provides public notice pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 44-96-470 and S.C. Reg. 61-107.19 that it will hold an informational public meeting to provide information on the facility issues negotiation process related to the permit application submitted by Oakridge to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) for construction of an expansion of the existing landfill at 2175 Highway 78, Dorchester, South Carolina (“Proposed Expansion”). The informational public meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at Dorchester County Council Chambers, Human Services Building, 500 North Main Street, Summerville, South Carolina 29483.
Nature of the Facility: Oakridge has operated a Class III landfill (also known as a municipal solid waste landfill) on the site since approximately 1978. The Proposed Expansion will accept municipal solid waste as well as other approved non-hazardous waste. The Proposed Expansion is permitted to receive up to 1,144,000 tons per year of waste. The proposed life of the Proposed Expansion is expected to be at least 20 years. The permit application for the Proposed Expansion is subject to the permitting requirements for Class Three Landfills pursuant to S.C. Reg. 61-107.19.
Description of the Site: The landfill is located on Highway 78, approximately one mile northwest of the intersection of Highway 78 and Highway 178 as identified on the location map. The Proposed Expansion will consist of approximately 60 acres to be constructed to the west of the current landfill.
The county announced Intermittent Lane Closures with the road construction contractor to conducting intermittent lane and shoulder closures on US-78 between Delee Circle and Meadows Drive. Weather permitting, the lane closures will take place between the hours of 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM, Monday – Friday, beginning Monday, January 27 and continuing through Fall 2020.
These lane/shoulder closures are necessary for the Contractor to perform clearing and grubbing work for the alignment of US-78 and US 178. This work is part of the US-78 Phase 2-A Infrastructure Improvement Project.
Drivers traveling through the construction zone are asked to be aware of equipment and crews and to follow traffic control signs and reductions in speed limits.
DHEC received the permit application for the proposed Pineland Mine in September of 2019. DHEC’s Bureau of Land and Waste Management (BLWM) placed the mine operating permit application on public notice in February 27, 2020 and held a virtual public hearing to receive comments on the mine operating permit application on July 23, 2020. DHEC received comments and concerns between February 27, 2020 and August 7, 2020 and provided a Summary Response to Comments.
Some of the public comments or concerns expressed, including defined operating hours and the ability to hold the mine responsible for disruption of nearby well disturbed by mining operations, have been incorporated in to the permit.
After consideration of all information presented, review of all public comments received, as well as additional information provided by the applicant, the BLWM approved the requested application for a Mine Operating Permit.
If you are an affected party, you have the right to request a final review of this permit decision. This request must be made in writing to the Clerk of the DHEC Board. Procedures for requesting this review are enclosed and more information can be viewed on DHEC’s website at: https://scdhec.gov/about-dhec/sc-board-health-and-environmental-control/guide-board-review
Any questions or for further DHEC assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the project manager, Mason Brandes, at 803-898-1369 or by e-mail at brandemd@dhec.sc.gov