I-26 Widening Project Kicked Off

SCDOT, state officials kick off I-26 widening project in Ridgeville (WCIV)

Channel 4 News reported recently state lawmakers and SC Department of Transportation officials kicked off the I-26 widening project on Tuesday. This project will widen I-26 from four lanes to six lanes between Jedburg Road and Columbia. “Generally, the approach is at least six lanes – three lanes in each direction throughout the whole corridor,” said SCDOT Secretary of Transportation, Christy Hall. “As you get closer to Columbia, that northern project between Irmo and Columbia, that’ll be eight lanes in some areas. So it’s a minimum of six lanes throughout.”

In addition to widening the interstate to three lanes in each direction for a total of six lanes, SCDOT will also be improving bridges along the corridor. This should include our I-26/SC27 exchange. The I-26/SC27 Interchange project (https://www.i26-sc27.com) was started pre-pandemic and had worked it’s way through several community meeting. However the project seems stalled since the start of the China Flu pandemic (https://www.i26-sc27.com/). I have asked for a project update from SCDOT on this interchange project. As soon as I hear from them I’ll post a new update.


Hurricane Ian

Hurricane Ian 9-30-22 11am

Hurricane Ian off the coast of Charleston is almost ashore as of this posting. Over the next 12-24 hours the storm will pass through our area. Please stay informed. If you lose power, please do not assume the power company knows. You should call and report an outage for your home or business. This helps the power company build a better repair picture. You can look at the Dominion Power Outage Map through the link below. If out traveling, be cautious of hidden dangers including water on the roadways. You should not travel on roads closed due to flooding. Watch for downed powerlines. Be careful when assessing property damage. Watch for dangerous displaced wildlife.

Reporting Power Outages

It is important to report your power outage, even if you see outages already reported in your area. DO NOT CALL 9-1-1 or use social media to report a power outage. Report outages directly to your utility provider.

Dominion Energy SC

  • DESC Customer Service:  1-800-251-7234
  • Report Downed/Sparking Lines:  1-888-333-4465
  • Report Gas Leaks:  1-800-815-0083
  • Report Power Outage:  1-888-333-4465

Edisto Electric

  • (803) 245-5141

Berkeley Electric

  • 1-888-253-4232

Some Useful Strom Links:
The National Hurricane Center hurricane tracking and forecasts
Dorchester County Emergency Management Department county specific hurricane and other emergency information including road closures.
South Carolina Emergency Management state storm information
Dominion Power outage Map see where power outages have been reported.

If you have other links or tips, let me know and I’ll add them here.


Dorchester Hopeful to Get Broadband! … Eventually

Dorchester broadband map

You should mark you calendars and make plans to attend the Dorchester County Community Meeting on 8/31/2022, at 6 pm, in the Woodland gym.

Rural broadband internet is finally coming to our area, but maybe not right away. Progress takes time I guess. The Eagle-Record recently published there will be a Dorchester County sponsored community meeting at the Woodland High School Gym on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, at 6:00 pm. The purpose of the county sponsored meeting is to provide a second update to affected area residents. Presenting and available for your questions will the two prime area provides, Home Telecom and Palmetto Rural Telephone Cooperative (PRTC).

The Dorchester County Rural Broadband Project is intended to expand the high-speed internet access in our area over the next three years. Project details, including information on our town of Dorchester (South Dorchester), is listed in the Dorchester County Rural Broadband Project web site. This project is being funded with $8.5 Million dollars of taxpayer monies in the form of federal grant funding and with additional matching funds from both Home Telecom and PRTC in order to get the fiber cable installed to provide the needed broadband internet to over 4000 rural homes currently without high speed internet.

Plan ahead! A dinner meal will be provided if you register ahead of time by calling Tracy Langley, Clerk to Council, at 843-832-0196.


Be Prepared for the 2022 Hurricane Season

Hurricane Isabel

Hurricane season is now upon us. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 through to November 30. Included below are some helpful links to prepare and keep abreast of the weather when a storm approaches.

Preparedness and Tracking Links

  • You can get general state preparedness information from the South Carolina Emergency Management Division. Their South Carolina Hurricane Guide is a great tool for planning and preparing for the storm. Do your preparation now before there is a storm heading our way.
  • The Dorchester County Emergency Management Department provides county specific information. You can also sign up for emergency alerts from the EMD to you phone.
  • When there is a storm, go to the source for the most current storm information. The National Hurricane Center is the source of Atlantic storm tracking which will affect us.
  • Report power outages to Dominion Energy. You can also check where power outages are occurring.

If you have additional information you would like to share, please make a comment to this post with your link(s).


Come Out to Rosie The Riveter Family Fun Day

Rosie The Riveter Family Fun Day

In honor of National Rosie the Riveter Day, the Dorchester Heritage Center is sponsoring a celebration to honor those Rosies who rolled up their sleeves for the war effort of WWII.

This family fun day is to be held on the site of Dorchester Heritage Center’s future facility on Highway 78 near Ridgeville (the property is adjacent to 974 HWY 78). The location is the BIG meadow between the two white houses just past Ridgeville Rd on HWY 78, near the new Walmart Distribution Center. (under construction so there is no physical address yet).

-Food Trucks
-Family Game Area
-Rosie Riveter Contest
-Car Show *All makes, models, and military vehicles

If you are interested in sponsoring


9 – 10:00 AM CAR SHOW REGISTRATION ($20.00 Fee)

1 – 2:30 pm
Sponsored by: Ann Heath and the South Carolina Vintage Vixens

-Kite Flying

MUSIC provided by DJ Keith Dee

Food Trucks will be on site.

To purchase Vendor, Car show registration, or to be a sponsor, click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/…/rosie-the-riveter-family…

New Food-Truck Park is Coming To Dorchester

Hungry? Come on out and support Dorchester County’s newest Food Court & Food Truck location.

Starting Monday, January 24, 2022, the site of the new Dorchester Heritage Center (DHC) will be hosting food vendors. Located on Highway 78 & 27, across from the new Walmart Distribution Center, the hours of operation will be Monday through Sunday, 11 am to 7 pm.

The location of the Dorchester Heritage Center Food Court

Vendors include Ray O Sunshine, L & M Catering, Mr. B’s On the Go, Empanada Cuisines, and many others

Food trucks and other food vendors can register to use the new DHC Food Court by going to the DHC Food-Truck web site.


Oakridge Landfill Is Looking For Approval To Grow Again

Oakridge Landfill Location

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) is reviewing another expansion application from the Oakridge Landfill. Reported in The Eagle Record on October 21, 2021, the landfill wants to expand again, this time both horizontally and vertically. The landfill wants to add about 58 acres and be able to stack trash to taller than 350 feet, higher than the elevation of the state capital, Columbia. This would likely becoming the highest point of land in the low country.

While not yet approved, the landfill’s application for additional growth has passed SCDHEC’s initial quick review of the technical aspects of the permit. The process is now open for public comment and SCDHEC is taking written comments or requests for a public meeting until November 19, 2021. If there is enough public interest, they may hold a public meeting to explain the process and receive additional comments.

Oakridge Landfill Expansion
Oakridge Landfill Expansion

You can find the Public Notice of the Proposed Lateral Expansion at the Oakridge Class 3 Landfill here.

You can review all of the public notice permit details (including submitted site drawings showing the proposed growth) here.

The state landfill regulations can be reviewed here.

You can contact SCDHEC to make a comment now (until 11/19/2021) by sending a letter to
Attention: Justin Koon
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201
or you can call Justin Koon at (803) 898-1339
or email him at koonjt@dhec.sc.gov


Town of Dorchester Community Meeting

Dorchester Community Meeting

We’re meeting again!

Our town community meeting will be held 6pm on August 12, 2021, at the Ray O Sunshine market. The address is 2514 Highway 78, Dorchester, SC 29437. We’re looking forward getting back together and discuss topics of interest for our community. All are welcome, we will be meeting outside so dress comfortably and bring a chair.
