Oakridge Landfill Is Looking For Approval To Grow Again

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) is reviewing another expansion application from the Oakridge Landfill. Reported in The Eagle Record on October 21, 2021, the landfill wants to expand again, this time both horizontally and vertically. The landfill wants to add about 58 acres and be able to stack trash to taller than 350 feet, higher than the elevation of the state capital, Columbia. This would likely becoming the highest point of land in the low country.

While not yet approved, the landfill’s application for additional growth has passed SCDHEC’s initial quick review of the technical aspects of the permit. The process is now open for public comment and SCDHEC is taking written comments or requests for a public meeting until November 19, 2021. If there is enough public interest, they may hold a public meeting to explain the process and receive additional comments.

Oakridge Landfill Expansion
Oakridge Landfill Expansion

You can find the Public Notice of the Proposed Lateral Expansion at the Oakridge Class 3 Landfill here.

You can review all of the public notice permit details (including submitted site drawings showing the proposed growth) here.

The state landfill regulations can be reviewed here.

You can contact SCDHEC to make a comment now (until 11/19/2021) by sending a letter to
Attention: Justin Koon
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201
or you can call Justin Koon at (803) 898-1339
or email him at koonjt@dhec.sc.gov


One Reply to “Oakridge Landfill Is Looking For Approval To Grow Again”

  1. Mr.Koon I am a resident of Dorchester and we are interested in having a meeting regarding the expansion of the Oakridge Landfill located on Hwy 78 Dorchester. An immediate response would be appreciative. Thank you

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