Join Us: Dorchester’s Zoning Amendment Meeting on November 14

This Thursday, November 14, The Commission will meet at 4:00 PM. Meetings are held in the Summerville County Council Chambers at 500 N. Main Street (Cedar St. Entrance). Here is the link to the Planning Commission November Meeting Agenda Packet:

Of interest for this meeting to the community of the Town of Dorchester is Agenda Item 6 (Old Business) A. ZTA 24-07: Text Amendment to the Dorchester County Zoning and Land Development Standards Ordinance Number 04-13, as previously amended, with respect to Article X, Section 10.4.11 “Mineral Resource Extraction Operations” for the purpose of limiting the proximity of new mineral resource extraction operations from existing permitted operations.

The intent of the ordinance text amendment is to limit the mining density in our county. The amendment is modeled after a successful similar ordinance amendment in Charleston County. Page 21 of the agenda packet shows the existing mines and the proposed buffer around them. Page 22 of the agenda packet includes a rather long Pro-mining letter opposing the ordinance change.

I believe that for our community, this proposed amendment to the ordinance is a positive step. It aims to control some of the sand mine truck traffic pummeling us in our area.

This is an open public meeting that includes public feedback and comments. Please plan to attend and make your voices heard for a positive change.
