Dorchester Community Meeting Minutes from August 20, 2020

These are meeting notes from our August 20, 2020 virtual community meeting.

Online attendance was low with the Zoom meeting format. Attendance worked out to be about 6 to 8 people who were able to connect and attended at least a portion of the virtual meeting.

There was a general discussion of low or poor availability of Rural Broadband & cell phone coverage in our area. Recommendations were made for individuals to call or email our Dorchester County Council representatives (Harriet Holman for District 1 & George Bailey for District 3) and ask them what is being done to provide “Rural Broadband” internet for our area.

There was discussion of a new phone/internet provider company, PRTC, coming into the St. George area, however they were not servicing the Town of Dorchester at this time. The recommendation was put forth for individuals to contact them and inquire about service in the town of Dorchester area, with the hope being the inquiry volume would help show them where to expand services.

There was discussion of sending questions related to township to the Mayor of Reevesville, Mr. Paul Wimberly. These question will be sent to the Mayor to help provide feedback for our community. Any input into the questions can be submitted through the Contact page of this site.
