Notice of Public Meeting, Drop-in Style

SCDOT Public Meeting

South Carolina Department Of Transportation (SCDOT) has published a notice of a drop-in style public meeting related to Interstate 26 Corridor Improvements (between mile markers 172 & 187 – St. George to Ridgeville). The drop-in meeting is scheduled for January 16, 2025, from 5 pm until 7 pm at Woodland High School Gym, 4128 Highway 78, Dorchester, SC 29437.

The meeting will have a drop-in type format (stop by anytime between 5-7pm) with displays for viewing. Citizens will have the opportunity to provide written comments. There will be no formal presentation at the meeting.

You can find out more and explore this project at the SCDOT project website at


I-26 Improvements Started

I26-SC27 Interchange

While there doesn’t seem to be any official work posted it looks the I26-SC27 exit 187 interchange improvements have started. As of this posting, I couldn’t find any updated information on the SCDOT, Dorchester County, or I26-SC27 Interchange Project websites. But if you traveled through the 187 Exit at all in the last few weeks, it’s obvious work on the interchange has finally started. Construction crews are clearing trees from the North side of the exchange, assumedly in preparation for the new bridge. The I26E onramp has had some resurfacing as well as a portion of the I26E right-hand lane, assumedly for some road widening.

Travelers in this area should be aware there is road work happening and use caution.


I-26 Widening Project Kicked Off

SCDOT, state officials kick off I-26 widening project in Ridgeville (WCIV)

Channel 4 News reported recently state lawmakers and SC Department of Transportation officials kicked off the I-26 widening project on Tuesday. This project will widen I-26 from four lanes to six lanes between Jedburg Road and Columbia. “Generally, the approach is at least six lanes – three lanes in each direction throughout the whole corridor,” said SCDOT Secretary of Transportation, Christy Hall. “As you get closer to Columbia, that northern project between Irmo and Columbia, that’ll be eight lanes in some areas. So it’s a minimum of six lanes throughout.”

In addition to widening the interstate to three lanes in each direction for a total of six lanes, SCDOT will also be improving bridges along the corridor. This should include our I-26/SC27 exchange. The I-26/SC27 Interchange project ( was started pre-pandemic and had worked it’s way through several community meeting. However the project seems stalled since the start of the China Flu pandemic ( I have asked for a project update from SCDOT on this interchange project. As soon as I hear from them I’ll post a new update.


Highway 27 To Get Wider

Dorchester Count announced they’ve been awarded 6.8 million dollars from the federal government to wide the one mile stretch of Highway 27 (Ridgeville Road) from I-26 to Highway 78 from two lanes to five lanes. This work will be rolled in to the already numerous planned improvement projects more or less happening around I-26 exit 187.

You can read the county notice about this by clicking here.
