Dorchester County Votes Out Mask Mandate

Dorchester County Mask Ordinance to Expire at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, September 8

At the Tuesday, September 8 County Council Meeting, Council voted 1 in favor and 6 opposed to an ordinance that would extend the mask ordinance through November 7. With the motion failing, the mask ordinance for Unincorporated Dorchester County will expire at 11:59 PM tonight, Tuesday, September 8.

While the wearing of a mask in public spaces will no longer be mandated in unincorporated Dorchester County, residents and visitors are strongly encouraged to continue practicing social distancing and to wear a mask when social distancing is not possible.

Residents, business owners, and visitors are reminded that at this time mask ordinances remain in place for all municipalities within Dorchester County.

Businesses within Unincorporated Dorchester County may continue to impose a mask requirement as they see fit for their respective businesses.

The mandatory temperature check and mask requirements will remain in place for all Dorchester County facilities, until further notice.


Get Ready to Vote Now!

Every vote matters, every vote counts

The general election is now less than 60 days away.

Mark you calendars and get ready to vote. November 3rd is Election Date. With our next general election just 60 days away now, you should go to SCVotes for any of your online voting needs. There you can check or update your voter registration, find your voting location, request an absentee ballot, and a lot more.

To get details about “Touchless Voting” go to NoExcuseSC.


Dorchester Community Meeting Minutes from August 20, 2020

These are meeting notes from our August 20, 2020 virtual community meeting.

Online attendance was low with the Zoom meeting format. Attendance worked out to be about 6 to 8 people who were able to connect and attended at least a portion of the virtual meeting.

There was a general discussion of low or poor availability of Rural Broadband & cell phone coverage in our area. Recommendations were made for individuals to call or email our Dorchester County Council representatives (Harriet Holman for District 1 & George Bailey for District 3) and ask them what is being done to provide “Rural Broadband” internet for our area.

There was discussion of a new phone/internet provider company, PRTC, coming into the St. George area, however they were not servicing the Town of Dorchester at this time. The recommendation was put forth for individuals to contact them and inquire about service in the town of Dorchester area, with the hope being the inquiry volume would help show them where to expand services.

There was discussion of sending questions related to township to the Mayor of Reevesville, Mr. Paul Wimberly. These question will be sent to the Mayor to help provide feedback for our community. Any input into the questions can be submitted through the Contact page of this site.


Nightly Road Closure & Detour on Highway 78 from August 16 – August 20.

J.R. Wilson Construction will conduct a nightly road closure on Highway 78 between Highway 178 and Schoolhouse Road beginning Sunday, August 16 – Thursday, August 20.

Weather permitting, the nightly road closure will take place between the hours of 7:00 PM – 6:00 AM.

The nightly closure is necessary for work related to Phase 2-A of the Highway 78 Improvement Project.

Highway 78 Eastbound Detour – During the above-mentioned hours, all eastbound traffic will be detoured onto Schoolhouse Road, to Highway 178 to Highway 78.

Highway 78 Westbound Detour – During the above-mentioned hours, all westbound traffic will be detoured onto Highway 178 to Schoolhouse Road to Highway 78.

Project Information:


Dorchester Community-Virtual Meeting, Easy & Free, August 20, 2020 7 PM

Dorchester Community Virtual Meeting, August 20, 2020

We are holding our next Dorchester Community-Virtual Meeting on August 20, 2020 at 7 PM.

Express your issues and concerns as we work to become a more cohesive group of informed citizens of this area.

Please use the following information to get into the meeting on Thursday evening August 20,2020 at 7:00 pm.

Joining in the meeting is easy and free using Zoom Meeting, just follow this link:

Meeting ID: 833 2584 8779
Passcode: 285582


Pineland Sandmine DHEC Public Meeting

Pineland Sandmine DHEC Public Meeting & Comment Period. I would like to thank everyone in the community who was able to call-in to the DHEC virtual Public Meeting last night. Many great questions were asked and issues expressed.

If you were not able to attend, the meeting was recorded and DHEC indicated they would post the recording today or early next week on the web-site linked below. Please share with interested parties.

DHEC is still accepting public comments through early August. Written comments on the mine operating permit application should be submitted by e-mail or US Mail to:

Mason Brandes, Project Manager
DHEC Bureau of Land and Waste Management
2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201

A final decision on the mine operating permit application will not be made until after review and consideration of all written comments received. I would encourage everyone to review the materials (and public meeting recording when posted) also on the web-site linked below. Included are the permit applications, the mining maps, the post-mining reclamation plan, and a host of other documents.
