Upcoming Joint Town Hall Meeting

Dorchester County Logo

Chairman Todd Friddle from Dorchester County Council, Ms. Kellie Bates from the DD2 Board of Trustees, Dr. Charmaine Palmer-Roberts from North Charleston City Council, Chief Richardson from the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office, and Representative Chris Murphy from the S.C. House of Representatives, invite residents to an upcoming town hall meeting at the Wescott Park Clubhouse.

Residents, community leaders, and stakeholders are encouraged to attend and actively participate in this meeting. This is a unique opportunity to engage directly with elected officials and decision-makers, shaping the future of our community. Topics of discussion will include education, infrastructure, public safety, and economic development.

To submit your questions to the moderator, please email them to mmills@dorchestercountysc.gov.  

Date: April 3, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: Wescott Park Clubhouse Address, (9006 Dorchester Road, North Charleston)

County Greenbelt Master Plan Public Input Sessions

Dorchester County Logo

Dorchester County will be holding two upcoming in-person public engagement sessions designed to gather community input for the development of the Greenbelt Master Plan.

A greenbelt is an undeveloped land area around or within cities, safeguarded to preserve nature, biodiversity, and recreational spaces. It serves multiple purposes, such as environmental conservation, flood prevention, and supporting sustainable urban planning. Greenbelts seek to strike a balance between urban development and maintaining green spaces for community well-being and environmental health. The Dorchester County Greenbelt Master Plan will help guide funding for eligible projects such as land acquisition and purchase of conservation easements as a result of the 2022 Dorchester County Transportation Sales and Use Tax Referendum. 

The public input sessions will be held as follows:

1. St. George Rosenwald School:

  • Date: Thursday, February 8, 2024
  • Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Location: St. George Rosenwald School, 205 Ann Street, St. George, SC 29477

2. Alston Middle School Cafeteria:

  • Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
  • Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Location: Alston Middle School, 500 Bryan St. Summerville, SC 29483
    (Enter the building from Highway 78)

These sessions serve as opportunities for community members to share their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns which will directly shape the Greenbelt Master Plan.


Another Sand Mine is Coming To Dorchester – Update!

I had not received the needed ten petition signature until Sunday, August 13th and sent the petition for a public meeting to DHEC despite being past the deadline. DHEC responded today with a letter indicating they would not proceed with a Public Hearing due to the missed regulatory deadline, but would arrange for a Public Meeting. The public meeting will allow for the exchange of information and provide an opportunity for the community to express our concerns.

Once the public meeting details are received, interested parties will be notified and I will update this site with the meeting time and place details.

DHEC Letter
DHEC Letter


Another Sand Mine is Coming To Dorchester – Sign the Public Hearing Petition

Sand Mine

DHEC has a new application for another sand mine and has made noting to the adjacent properties. The Moore Mine (Application for a Mine Operating Permit I-002398) is an 89.9-acre mine planed to a depth of 30 feet, with an included +-15 acres flagged as wetlands, located at the end of Moore Road, between Salem and Powder Horn Roads. The mine operations plan on pumping out water during mining into the wetlands draining to Halfway Gut Creek. Reclamation information indicates the mine pits (39.3 acres) will remain and be allowed to fill with water for future lakes or ponds. The site maps include possible “future home sites.” This mine will add even more sand truck traffic to Zion, Salem, Powder Horn, and Sandridge Roads.

You can review the DHEC permit information here (https://epermweb.dhec.sc.gov/ncore/external/publicnotice/info/-209032074109656397/details). You can post comments on the “Add Comments” tab of the DHEC site. However in order for the local community to express concerns in a public hearing, the statute requires the submission of a petition signed by a minimum of ten people.

I have created a downloadable or printable form to petition for a public hearing. Simply download or print the form (just select the download arrow or the printer icon below) and fill in the requested information on the form below. Then scan it with your computer, or take a picture with your phone of the completed form and email it to dprovenzanosc@gmail.com no later than Noon August 11, 2023. I need to compile the names and send them and the signed forms to DHEC by 5pm on that date.

Town of Dorchester Community Meeting

Dorchester Community Meeting

We’re meeting again!

Our town community meeting will be held 6pm on August 12, 2021, at the Ray O Sunshine market. The address is 2514 Highway 78, Dorchester, SC 29437. We’re looking forward getting back together and discuss topics of interest for our community. All are welcome, we will be meeting outside so dress comfortably and bring a chair.


Oakridge Landfill Growing – Public Meeting Planned

Public Notice Location map

The following notice was provided for our community information. Anyone interested in attending, save the date now. The informational public meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at 6 p.m. in the Dorchester County Council Chambers, Human Services Building, 500 North Main Street, Summerville, South Carolina 29483

Public Notice

Dorchester County Public Notice pursuant to S.C. Reg. 61-107.19 and S.C. Ann. Code § 44-96-470 of

Facility Issues Negotiation Process

Topic: Oakridge Landfill, Inc. (“Oakridge”), 2175 Highway 78, Dorchester, Dorchester County, South Carolina 

Contact:  Jason Carraher
Dorchester County
Kenneth F. Waggoner Building
201 Johnston Street
St. George, SC  29477
Telephone:  (843) 832-0070

Please take notice that Dorchester County hereby provides public notice pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 44-96-470 and S.C. Reg. 61-107.19 that it will hold an informational public meeting to provide information on the facility issues negotiation process related to the permit application submitted by Oakridge to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) for construction of an expansion of the existing landfill at 2175 Highway 78, Dorchester, South Carolina (“Proposed Expansion”).  The informational public meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at Dorchester County Council Chambers, Human Services Building, 500 North Main Street, Summerville, South Carolina 29483. 

Nature of the Facility:  Oakridge has operated a Class III landfill (also known as a municipal solid waste landfill) on the site since approximately 1978.  The Proposed Expansion will accept municipal solid waste as well as other approved non-hazardous waste.  The Proposed Expansion is permitted to receive up to 1,144,000 tons per year of waste.  The proposed life of the Proposed Expansion is expected to be at least 20 years.  The permit application for the Proposed Expansion is subject to the permitting requirements for Class Three Landfills pursuant to S.C. Reg. 61-107.19.

Description of the Site:   The landfill is located on Highway 78, approximately one mile northwest of the intersection of Highway 78 and Highway 178 as identified on the location map.  The Proposed Expansion will consist of approximately 60 acres to be constructed to the west of the current landfill. 

Public Notice Location map
Public Notice Location map of landfill site.


Dorchester Community Meeting Minutes from August 20, 2020

These are meeting notes from our August 20, 2020 virtual community meeting.

Online attendance was low with the Zoom meeting format. Attendance worked out to be about 6 to 8 people who were able to connect and attended at least a portion of the virtual meeting.

There was a general discussion of low or poor availability of Rural Broadband & cell phone coverage in our area. Recommendations were made for individuals to call or email our Dorchester County Council representatives (Harriet Holman for District 1 & George Bailey for District 3) and ask them what is being done to provide “Rural Broadband” internet for our area.

There was discussion of a new phone/internet provider company, PRTC, coming into the St. George area, however they were not servicing the Town of Dorchester at this time. The recommendation was put forth for individuals to contact them and inquire about service in the town of Dorchester area, with the hope being the inquiry volume would help show them where to expand services.

There was discussion of sending questions related to township to the Mayor of Reevesville, Mr. Paul Wimberly. These question will be sent to the Mayor to help provide feedback for our community. Any input into the questions can be submitted through the Contact page of this site.


Dorchester Community-Virtual Meeting, Easy & Free, August 20, 2020 7 PM

Dorchester Community Virtual Meeting, August 20, 2020

We are holding our next Dorchester Community-Virtual Meeting on August 20, 2020 at 7 PM.

Express your issues and concerns as we work to become a more cohesive group of informed citizens of this area.

Please use the following information to get into the meeting on Thursday evening August 20,2020 at 7:00 pm.

Joining in the meeting is easy and free using Zoom Meeting, just follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83325848779?pwd=dVJFOHR1RjNsWFBXcitJQkZEUm1SQT09

Meeting ID: 833 2584 8779
Passcode: 285582
