A Salem Road Update with a Twist

After Channel 4 came out last week, Channel 2 News also came out on Monday May 6th, and did another short new piece focused on Salem Road and the truck damage to our roads by the sand trucks. (Link to the Channel 2 Live news story Trucks carrying dirt from nearby mines causing damage to roads in Dorchester).

Members of our town have discussed in-person the road condition issues with our District 1 County Council Member Harriet Holman and our SC State Representative House District 97 – Robby Robbins. Mr. Robbins toured our area on Sunday, May 5th, and Mrs. Holman was to tour our area on Tuesday, May 7th. Early feedback is the Department of Transportation (DOT) folks are “working on a plan to completely redo” Salem Road. While it may take them a few weeks to get everything together the end product should be a completely new Salem Road.

In trying to research the Salem mine permit (there is none) with the DHEC Mining folks, I learned the two mine sites on Salem Road are Department of Transportation (DOT) “borrow pits.” And it should come as no surprise, DOT borrow pits are apparently exempt from having to obtain a mine operating permit. This would also explain the lack of community notice for mining operations and why the DOT is so quick to come up with a plan to replace the road.


One Reply to “A Salem Road Update with a Twist”

  1. I sure hope they evaluated all the roads effected and make a plan to repave them.

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